Studying in 3D Animation

Happy March Break Everyone! It's that time of year again!!
Where nature starts shedding it's coat of white, as winter turns into spring. The groundhog has decided it's fate on February 2nd and school's out for students who get a week-long break before the end of the semester.
Are you taking a vacation or rather having a lecture week? Maybe it's time to catch up on your hobbies... like 3D computer graphics?
You can start with 3D wombat !
Check out our growing series of material for 3D enthusiasts:
- Our entire catalog of blog articles to get you started in the path of 3D animation for film, games or vfx
- A collection of youtube playlists for a curation of some great video tutorials.
- A 3D industry & career section of our blog

One thing is for sure, March is the a time for transitions; and immersive 3D is the next big transition to come in the world of media. From skyscrapers architecture to 3D printing tools, from Virtual Reality (VR) to Augmented Reality (AR), from films to games and advertisements, now almost everything visual is made with the help of 3D softwares. Now's the best time to start learning 3D and computers have just recently caught up with out visual demands in realism.
March 1st is also the deadline to apply at your favorite 3D school for the next september semester! Check out the 4 best top-ranking lists to learn 3D in film animation, gaming and visual effects. Take charge of where you go next in your career path!
1. Top 50 Colleges for Gaming & Animation Students in the US, Top 10 Schools for Animation Worldwide and how to select your career profile in the field:
2. Top 10 Animation & Gaming Schools in Canada

3. Top 10 International Animation Schools in 2017, Worldwide:

4. Top 100 Schools for Animation, Gaming & Design, Worldwide

Best of luck from the Wombat in your future projects! Let us know about your process, career path and new portfolio pieces on our Facebook group: 3D Learning and keep up to date on our facebook page.