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Bastille Day, the French National Holiday & French Cinema

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Happy National Holiday, France!

french flag
French Flag

July 14th marks the anniversary of a key moment in the French history that greatly shaped the France of today.   It celebrates the storming of the Bastille of1789, when the French people took over control of the country from the monarchy of the time.

But France’s history is also very interesting because it is closely intertwined with that of Canada.  Indeed, it is Jacques Cartier, a French man, who went down the St-Lawrence river and discovered the land of Canada in 1784.  The colonies he established formed the bases for what later became the cities of Montreal and Quebec, home of the 3D wombat.


The French Cinema

But also, France has always had a very special role in the world of cinema, but it continues the tradition with animated films and 3D computer graphics.  Let’s not forget it is the french Brothers ‘Lumiere’ who invented cinema and the camera, arguably for the first time.  Nowadays, it is mostly known to be home to two of the most important film festivals in the world.

Firstly, the Cannes Film Festival, which is second only to the Oscars in terms of prestige and star appeal.  It is hosted in the city of Cannes, France in May of each year and is open to films of all genres.  Only the world’s very top are chosen in competition, but upcoming talents are often screened and promoted there.

Then there is the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, in June every year.  It is by far the biggest and best renowned Animated Film Festival in the world.

Finally, there’s a little extra fun to be had in France in early summer, for those Animation fans.  The Festival du Film Court d’Angoulême, has an interesting selection of short films, at the end of April every year.  Of course, this one is in the french language entirely, but sometimes language is not a barrier in Animation.  Or this might be your change to learn some french, after all.


French Animation Schools

France also has two excellently reputed animation schools in the industry:


You can have a read at a few more 3D animation programs in France here.


french colors airplane smoke
source: wikicommons, Nine Alpha Jets from the French Air Force fly over the Champs-Elysées, releasing trails of blue, white and red smoke, colours of the French national flag. Joe deSousa, Bastille Day, Paris, 2017 (36127738205), CC0 1.0



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