We salute all of our followers in the United States of America in this special day! We hope you had a great and joyful fourth of July! For some, this also means it’s vacation time, so have a good time and relax well. If you’d like to keep reading our articles on the go, we’ve made sure our website is also optimized for mobiles and tablets.
If you happen to be someone from the 3D industry in one of those major 3D hubs, get in touch with us:
- Hollywood, California
- New York, New York
- San Francisco, California
Back to the careers Table of Contents
Careers in the 3D Animation & Visual FX Industry
Featured Sections
- The different 3D Modeling Specializations for the next Digital Age
- Check out our complete Guide on 3D Computer Hardware
- Or just vote for your favorite 3D software
Artist Hubs:
www.artstation.com, www.cgsociety.com, www.awn.com, www.highend3d.com
Tell us what you think, we welcome your comments! Did we miss something?
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