
Happy Canada Day! Best Canadian 3D colleges

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Happy Canada Day!

canadian flag
source: pxhere

This July 1st is the national holiday in Canada, so we wish all of our fellow Canadian readers a warm and happy Canada day!  Did you know Canada also happens to be home to 3Dwombat?  Even though there are no wombats in Canada, we deeply wish there was.

The national holiday in Canada corresponds to the day of the confederation with all of the 7 provinces and territories.  In reality, the history of Canada is a lot more complex and dates a bit farther than that.  Since 1789, Canada has been both French and English at different times, but long before that, it was an Amerindian territory.

If you're interested in knowing more the history of Canada, you can read more about it on this page.

Where to learn 3D animation in Canada?

In the meantime, we've prepared for you a list of the most-well known 3D animation colleges and universities in Canada.  If you're looking to make a career at home or moving here to study, Canada is a welcoming and peaceful country to live in.  If you're looking to participate positively in the community, you will find many like-minded souls here.

The differences between us are no reasons for fear or hate, we are all humans after all.  Our diversity is our strength and makes up our richness, as it has always been, from the beginning of the foundation of our Country.

Vancouver (British-Colombia)

Vancouver view
source: pxhere





Ottawa & Toronto (Ontario)

Toronto Waterfront
source: pxhere

You can find out more about specific 3D animation programs in Ontario, on the Ontario Colleges website.




Montreal (Quebec)

Montreal Roadway at Night
source: pxhere






Private Schools


Montreal public college admissions are handled through the SRAM.


source: pxhere



You can find a description of the programs on this page.

Or a longer listing of 3D learning centers in Canada on this page.


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