tree forest landscape moody

3D Natural Environment Artists – Digital World Builders

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

What is a 3D Environment Artist? An environment artist is not a type of environmental activist who expresses his art using elements of the natural world.   In the field of 3D computer graphics, film animation and video games, an environment artist is someone who assembles digital worlds.  It is not, however, entirely in opposition, as many 3D artists are also more environmentally conscious.  But the main difference is that the purpose of their art form […]

organic sculpture

3D Organic Modeling Surfaces and Characters

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

What is an Organic Model In the 3D computer graphics world, an organic model doesn’t mean that it is certified without chemicals.  Organic modeling refers to the shape of the 3D model being created.  In fact, organic modeling is generally considered to be the opposite of hard surface modeling, even though the distinction isn’t as clear in practice (read more about it here). An organic model is defined as a 3D model that represents a […]

cityscape night

City Design: 3D Urban Environment Modeling

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

3D Urban Environments Designing a city environment is a part of the work of the 3D environment artists, on a computer-generated or visual effects film project.  Creating 3D urban environments is not a completely distinct sub-category of artists, however.  It serves to describe an artist’s interest, experience or even a 3D project’s specifications, in opposition to natural environment modeling. In reality, most environments, computer generated of filmed, are a mix of both natural and city […]

tower bridge or London

Architectural Modeling

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

Architectural modeling is a specialization in 3D modeling that encompasses multiple disciplines for various purpose of 3D visualizations.  It generally describes the work of a digital artists that specialize in creating buildings and houses with a 3D software package.  This can be either for film, games, visual effects, real estate, architecture, city planning or engineering, and the goals, methods and approach will be vastly different depending on the contexts.  In the entertainment industry, architectural modelers […]