power supply unit psu computer component

How to Find a Reliable Power Supply (PSU)

Posted Posted in Computer Hardware

The Power Supply Unit (PSU) Desktop computers Simply put, the Power Supply Unit or PSU is the power generator for your computer.  It converts the Alternative Current (AC) from the wall outlet into the a Direct Current (DC) required by all electronic components.  This process dissipates a lot of heat, so it needs proper and constant ventilation.  Most power supply actually fail when the cooling fan fails. The PSU is a bigger version of the […]

Laptops vs Desktops, Mac vs PC computers

Posted Posted in Computer Hardware

Choosing the Right Type of Computer Laptop Computers for 3D graphics Laptop computers are not a very good form factor when trying to make 3D, because of the screen size, battery life and the inadequate ventilation for long term heat dissipation during 3D renderings.  Additionally, the form factor will make it much more expensive in the performance-to-price ratio because of the miniaturization, and you may find it difficult to upgrade it later on. You may […]