diffuse wall color painted texture

Material Attributes & Properties

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

Base Material Properties A 3D material is a collection of attributes that aim to simulate the visual ‘physical properties’ of real-world or imaginary objects.  Each attribute determines how the light bounces off a surface for a specific method for reflecting light (diffuse, specular, reflection, sss).  Any attribute can be colored, parametrized, textured or painted in 2D or 3D, inside or outside the shading software. Understanding how material attributes function are important for the texture artists […]

building grid lines window reflection refractions

How to Unfold UV Maps for 3D

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

UV mapping UV mapping is the process of wrapping a 3D object with a 2D image over its surface.  It is similar to the opposite actions of gift-wrapping a present or making garments in real life.  Instead of taking a flat roll of cloth and making it a human-shaped piece of garment, you cut the 3D object on its seams to make it flat again. This process is required before texturing to preprepare 3D models […]

feather color texture material effect

2D / 3D Texture Artists – Digital Painters

Posted Posted in 3D Industry

Texture Artists Texture artists are the digital painters of the virtual world.  They are used in everything from 3D animation films, TV series, visual effect sequences in live-action movies, commercials and video games.  They responsible for creating the overall colored look for 3D models, based on designs made by the ‘2D concept art’ department in pre-production. 3D models are a flat grey or uniform color, if any, when coming out of the modeling departments.  They […]